How to Improve Your Home Appliance Efficiency?

For homeowners, the value of preventative maintenance cannot be overstated. It’s in their best interest to become familiar with simple maintenance tasks to improve home appliance efficiency. But that’s not all; simple home maintenance can reduce electricity usage and extend the life of appliances. It can also help keep families from exposure to potential allergens such as germs and mold.

Kitchen Maintenance
Image by Pixabay

4 Simple Tricks to Improve Home Appliance Efficiency

To find out how, read on for four simple tips to improve appliance efficiency.

Change the Refrigerator’s Water Filter

Having a refrigerator that dispenses water and ice has become a convenience that many take for granted. Before being converted to ice, or dispensed, water passes through a filter in the refrigerator. Over time, this filter can become clogged, reducing pressure and the filter’s effectiveness. Check the owner’s manual for recommended replacement — some newer models have a replacement indicator light.

Clean Refrigerator Coils

One cause of refrigerator failure is dirty coils. This results in frequent calls to repairmen. The coils are typically located at the bottom of the fridge, covered by a plastic grate. The plastic grate is easily removable; a vacuum cleaner or specialty brush will remove dust, pet hair, or other surprises found on the coils. Not only does cleaning the coils reduce the likelihood of malfunction, it improves the refrigerator’s efficiency — meaning less electricity consumption.

Clean the Dishwasher Filter

Small bits of food from dishware passing through a dishwasher can cause a host of problems. These bits of food can accumulate at the bottom of the dishwasher. Remove the lower dish rack to find the filter. Pull out the filter, then scrape away any of the gunk found there. A wet/dry vacuum will also do the job, particularly if there’s any pooled liquid. A quick inspection of the drain hose is also in order. Remove the clamp, and if available, blow compressed air through the hose. Small pieces of food can block the hose, preventing water from exiting the unit.

Change Your HVAC Filters

Most modern heating and cooling units have replaceable air filters. During an annual HVAC checkup, the technician should replace this filter. For normal use, replace the filter at least three more times during the year. Dust, pets, dirt, fireplaces, or nearby construction require more frequent filter inspections. If any of these apply, check the filter monthly. Also, if somebody in the home has respiratory issues or asthma, more frequent filter changes may improve air quality in the home.

Leave the Rest for the Professionals

The list above is just a sample of the many ways homeowners can improve home appliance efficiency and keep them running for years to come. No matter how many appliances a homeowner performs maintenance on, however, there are also matters that are best left to professionals. Nowhere is this more true than with HVAC repairs. While changing a filter will extend the life and improve the efficiency of a unit, HVAC systems have grown increasingly complex over the years. If something more complex than a filter change is required, find a reputable, certified technician to address the issue.


Writer | Passionate Traveler | Chief editor of ‘Worlds Ultimate also CEO at by profession and lover of world cultures, languages, souls, food, oceans, wild spaces and urban places by nature. Share beautiful and practical stories from around the world. Visited luxurious hotels and destinations around the world including Marrakech, Mauritius, Singapore, Malaysia, USA, Greece, China and aims to inspire fellow Worlds Ultimate to pursue their dream career in travel.

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