How to Learn Quality English
The worldwide popularity, importance, and scope of English as a language of research work, official communication, science, and technology is beyond all doubts and questions. Several non-English nations also learn English and use it as their official language.
Usually, apart from the fact that they have their national languages. These non-English countries have developed such education systems to teach and learn English as a compulsory language.
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It is implemented right from the grassroots level so that their children may not have to face any problems. Specifically, while getting higher education or professional jobs either from their universities or from some foreign institutes.

This mechanism is working perfectly for the current students. As well as for the previous ones who are now doing some research work in their respective fields. But, what about the sectors of society other than education where people have neither been taught English properly nor been put into regular practice of speaking, listening, and writing?
These sectors include business success, trade, agriculture, health, hotel management, rural life, labor, technicians, etc. They have to face sheer harassment when proceeding with things in English. There are three basic levels:
- Some are unaware of the English vocabulary and grammar
- Some know the alphabet and a bit more, but cannot read or write or understand English properly
- Some are those who fall in between the aware and the unaware.
A lot of other people know English but not the correct one.
They can read, write, and speak English, but not up to the mark. They also have serious problems pronouncing the words themselves or understanding the proper accent being spoken to them. Yet again, some people know English a lot but cannot speak it fluently. In short, English is a problem for those who understand it to some extent but not to an appreciable level. These are the people who desperately want to learn English and improve it properly.
The list of countries where English is an official language. This will help you get some remote work as a digital nomad so you can make money while traveling.

Realizing this very crucial problem for a lot of people around, I have attempted to make people learn English easily and comprehensively so that everyone may avail himself of the opportunity.
I am a professor of the English language and have been teaching it for the last 30 years
in various renowned institutes in my country. Over so many years, I have developed a successful technique with the help of which I have taught English. Countless number of students belonging to various age groups and possessing different degrees got knowledge of this language.
Now, it is very much proper to publicize this superb methodology so that people may benefit by following this technique. The most beautiful and fruitful aspect of this technique is that all the learners can benefit from it quite equally. Regardless of the fact where their strength in English stands. This very successful methodology consists of various stages specific to particular learners. Every new joiner can join it as per his requirements. It means he can join the stage which suits him the best.
But, before I go into the details of every stage, I would like to discuss the four essentials for the learning of any language.
The 4 Essentials for the learning of any language
These essentials will go a long way toward enabling you to understand the real approach involved in the learning process.

It is just the process of regular listening from the family members. And the society that imparts and imprints the various aspects of language onto the child’s brain. This holds with all the languages including English.
So, we can see that listening to the proper English being spoken by an accurate speaker is, therefore, the first and foremost step. If you keep listening to quality English regularly, your reflexes will get used to it quite automatically. You will start following the same level of accuracy in your speaking, reading, and writing. Both your accent and the way of pronunciation are the end product of the way you have been listening for a long time.
It’s a practical reality that in a non-English country, a child has to learn four languages at a time:
- He listens to his regional mother tongue at home as well as in his community
- His national language at school
- His religious language at the place of worship, and, last of all,
- English as an international language of communication.
Most surprisingly, the child learns all four languages simultaneously just by listening to them attentively. With time, he gets equal command of all of them. This clearly shows you the strong role of listening in the mechanism of learning. Hence, you must manage to listen to quality English through all the available resources. Such as movies, talk shows, documentaries, matches with running commentary, news bulletins, musical songs, plays, commercials, etc.
Always listen very attentively to whatever comes up to you.
Try your level best to learn maximum from it regarding the new vocabulary. Also learn from the befitting rules of grammar, the proper accent, and pronunciation. This hard practice in a very dedicated way will enable you to learn English correctly as well as quickly.

Try to develop the habit of reading whatever comes before your eyes in your routine life.
Besides, you should also spare specific hours for reading certain magazines, newspapers, storybooks, novels, etc.
The content of these sources of reading may range from the basic level to the most intellectual level of comprehension.
Beginners in this context may start by learning the names of fruits, vegetables, colors, kitchen utensils, ingredients, mechanical parts, birds, animals, and many other things of everyday use. The basic purpose of reading is to enhance your skills in pronouncing various sounds correctly. To grasp the meanings of every word written in that source by understanding the correct rules of the grammar involved. Moreover, reading the context of different sorts improves the strength of your overall sense of the language. It is a gradual process.
The more you develop your habit of reading, the more you improve your vocabulary. It helps boost the grammatical sense and the pronunciation of various words. The pronunciation results from the sounds of different alphabets or the groups of alphabets including the vowels and the silent alphabets.
When you read the formation of long sentences and carefully observe the correct use of grammatical rules, things get imprinted on your mind. You can recall them readily whenever needed while writing or speaking.
So, on average, reading and comprehending a long passage daily will make you marvel. Because it will have an amazing impact on your skills of writing and speaking. It consequently enables you to learn English fast and raises its standard a lot.

Writing also involves a strong sense of the language on the part of the writer. It reflects the vision and the grip on the language on the part of the writer.
Moreover, writing grants you a wealth of practice by immensely strengthening whatever you have learned from listening and reading. Once you bring the things in the written form, you get them well settled in your brain.
Reading and listening keep things in the short-term memory center of your brain. Whereas writing stores them in the long-term portion of the memory box. Again, you get plenty of time, while writing, to think about the best suitable vocabulary. And the befitting rules of grammar to construct a really good formation both logical and appealing. On the contrary, speaking never allows you that much time to think deeply and construct a long sentence in a relaxed way.
There, you have to decide instantly and you always speak according to whatever vocabulary and the rules of grammar strike you on the spot. You never need to practice your mother tongue to speak it fluently because it is a built-in program in your central nervous system. You keep on speaking it even without putting the slightest stress on your mind regarding the selection of words or the grammatical formation of sentences.
Try your best to develop the habit of putting down everything you learn from reading and listening to consolidate it in your mind. It will also strengthen the imaginative power of your mind and you will be able to recall things instantly whenever needed.
So, you should be writing at least two pages of English daily to have a strong hold on your language skills which may, otherwise, get shattered if you don’t write sufficiently. In short, we may say that writing something daily contributes greatly to the learning of quality English.

To tell you the truth, speaking is the mode of language that determines how much you know it and how strong a hold you have on its various aspects.
If you are unable to speak this language fluently, you will never be satisfied with your performance and would earnestly like to learn English and improve it a lot. Nor will the others get the impression that you have a strong grip on this language.
In other words, speaking is the parameter from which people can judge whether or not they know quality English. People can never judge the actual standard of your English through your abilities of listening and reading this language, though you may be quite good at these two categories.
This is because these two areas remain confined only to yourself and it is only you who can judge where you stand in these categories and what the overall standard of your English is.
Writing is a 50-50 game, for you don’t get exposed to as many people as you do while speaking. Writing will reveal your English to only those who will happen to read your content by chance or to those for whom you have written it.
On the other hand, speaking exposes you right on the spot because it involves each and everything: your pronunciation, your accent, your selection of words, your knowledge of the grammar rules and their instant implementation by you, your control in forming long sentences and speaking them then and there, etc.
The long and short of all this is that speaking is the ultimate criterion to judge every learner’s abilities. The more you are accurate and fluent, the more you are rated when it comes to quality English.
Keeping in mind all the above- said importance of speaking, we can say that it is the ultimate destination and the dream of every learner to learn English and speak it fluently. It enables you to communicate with others specifically while educational travel to other countries.
So every new learner should have a good practice of speaking whatever he learns daily. In the beginning, it will prove very tough to pronounce or speak the written sentences with a good accent; set aside the ones you have to make yourself.
You may not be able to speak fluently because there is almost no gap between your thinking and Ideas and converting them into quality wording then and there. Things may not strike you instantly and words will probably fail you quite frequently and you may collapse altogether.
There is no need to lose heart.
Even if it happens as such because you are not an expert right from the beginning. Just keep on working hard in this area and, with time, you will become a real fluent speaker of English. This is practically proven that even though you have a good knowledge of English in your mind, it still requires a lot of practice on your part to make you a fluent speaker.
This is not because you are a dull learner, but because English is not, after all, your mother tongue. You always have to think long before you form a construction and speak it fluently.
To minimize this gap between thinking and speaking, practice is the only solution. The best way to do so is to think within yourself about an idea and try to construct it into English as early as possible and then speak it to yourself.
Keep repeating this phenomenon many times a day with high spirits and morale, and the gap will increasingly reduce itself, and the day will come when you will be able to speak English the way the natives do confidently and fluently.
Closing Notes
So, these are the essentials that every learner should go through to learn English and to be able to speak it fluently. Next, I shall discuss how to handle these essentials simultaneously daily, and what amount of each will be sufficient for a beginner, a mediocre, and a semi-expert English lover. Till then, it is goodbye to you all.
An authentic, comprehensive, and practical way to learn English, especially for non-English people around the world is to learn it through the four essentials.