
Macaw as a Pet: Everything You Need to Know!

Broad your horizons by picturing a pet bird as your pet with so many colors that it looks like a flying rainbow with bright colors in blues, deep reds, and rich greens all mixed. It feels like a masterpiece. Now, again picture that same bird looking straight at you, giving a loud squawking sound, and asking for a snack with all the confidence of a tiny, feathered diva. That’s what it’s like to have a pet macaw for you which is beautiful, smart, and full of personality.

Considerably, the most vibrant and intelligent bird in the parrot family is a Macaw. But in actual terms, if we talk about owning them, it is undoubtedly about a lifelong commitment, as a lot of care, attention, and a proper environment is required for these birds to make them able to thrive.

It’s not that easy when it comes to bringing macaws as pets into your life. It’s like welcoming a high-energy plus mischievous companion who at times will challenge you, entertain you, and outsmart you. These parrots are solely dependent on the attention you give them with many other things like mental stimulation and a bit of chaos. All of this proves to make this bird a rewarding and demanding pet at the same time.

We will take you through this blog while helping you out in finding out the most popular yet different species of macaws. Also about their personalities and how to care for them properly. You need to read this guide for sure!

1. Blue-and-Gold Macaw

beautiful blue and gold macaw with hooked beak

Blue and Gold Macaw can be found in subtropical and tropical forests, native to Central and South America. The scientific name for the Blue-and-Gold Macaw is (Ara ararauna). Due to the stunning blue-yellow plumage and sociable personality, it is considered to come in the category of the most popular macaws. These birds are very intelligent and have excellent skills in mimicking human words and speech.

They also enjoy interacting with their human homeowners. Wherever they get plenty of attention, they tend to thrive in such environments. Another highlighting feature of theirs is performing tricks making it an engaging and entertaining pet. Having a Blue and Gold Macaw as a pet can be rewarding but challenging. Their intelligence can also mean that they are in need of mental stimulation to get rid of boredom.

In case, if no proper enrichment is given, they can develop destructive behaviors such as feather plucking. The essentials needed for crucial well-being require three main things. Those three main things include a spacious cage, plenty of toys, and regular social interaction. High-quality pellets, fresh fruits, nuts, and vegetables are required in their diet to maintain good health.

2. Scarlet Macaw

A pair of red macaws is sitting on a tree branch

The most recognizable species of macaws are the Scarlet Macaws. They are popular for their bright red, yellow, and blue feathers. The scientific name used for them is Ara macao. They have high energies and strong intellect. The birds are highly social and do best in homes where they get daily interaction and mental stimulation.

A Scarlet macaw pet can mimic human vocalizations making them fun and engaging companions. The personalities of Scarlet Macaws can be a challenge for inexperienced bird caretakers. The reason is that these parrots have bold and independent personalities and might be unacceptable for some.

From a very young age, these macaws require structured training, so that their behaviors like biting can be prevented beforehand. Try to keep them engaged with interactive play and puzzle toys, ensuring they stay happy and well-adjusted.

3. Hyacinth Macaw

A pair of hyacinth macaws on a palm tree

The Hyacinth Macaw pet, scientifically named Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus, is famous as the “gentle giant” in the world of macaws. Regardless of their size, they still show affection and thrive on social interactions. The stunning feathers with cobalt-blue color make them one the most striking macaws in visual terms. These magnificent birds are native to regions near the Amazon River, adding to their exotic appeal.

The friendly and gentle nature of these birds often helps them build strong emotional bonds with their caregivers. The reason why they need a spacious enclosure is their large size. Also, spending plenty of time outside the cage to move freely from one place to another. They have a unique diet that must have a high amount of palm nuts.

So, it is necessary to provide them with something that fulfills the right nutritional values. One more thing about these parrots is that they crave companionship and do best in homes. So, this need of theirs can only be met when they get constant socialization and affection.

4. Military Macaw

Close up of a Military macaw with colorful feathers and grey background

The green feathers and friendly personality are the recognizable features of a military macaw. It also has a scientific name Ara militarist. A military macaw bonds strongly with its owners and is highly trainable as well.

These birds are intelligent and get to enjoy interactive activities such as mimicking human speech and love for learning tricks. Normally, Military macaws are seen as affectionate. But they can be nippy sometimes if not given proper socialization and training.

If you do not want unwanted behaviors and keep them engaged, then regular handling, a stimulating environment, and plenty of toys will help you to make that possible. Maintaining their balanced diet is crucial, this diet consists of fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality pellets to support their overall health.

5. Hahn’s Macaw

A beautiful picture of hahns macaw

The Hahn’s Macaw, also known as the Red-Shouldered Macaw, is the smallest kind of macaw and a great option for those with limited space to keep them. The scientific name it has given is Diopsittaca nobilis. They do have the smallest sizes, but still, they have big, energetic personalities.

The Hahn’s macaws have a love for playing, bonding with their owners, and even learning to mimic words. The reason for their high energy levels is to enjoy their daily playtime and mental stimulation to avoid boredom. Despite their size, they can live in small-sized enclosures as compared to larger macaws.

For their happiness and good wellness, they must be allowed to spend plenty of time outside their cages. A diet that is beneficial for them comprises fresh fruits, vegetables, and high-quality pellets. This is not only beneficial for their health but also to keep them in the best condition.

6. Yellow-Collared Macaw

A pair of Yellow-Collared Macaw looking at each other

The Yellow-Collared Macaws (Primolius auricollis) are small yet lively and affectionate birds. They have bold and playful personalities but often show curiosity with a bit of mischievousness too. Being good at talking, these macaws are also great at quickly learning words and sounds from their surroundings.

Yellow-collared Macaw’s intelligence is the main cause for their being loyal and affectionate companions. This may even lead them to form close bonds with their owners. As long as they are naturally social, they can do best with usual interactions and mental stimulation.

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Yellow-collared macaws have a playful nature because they enjoy playing games and learning tricks. This is the reason for being called great pets for experienced homeowners. An important thing to get knowledge of is that if they are not socialized early, there are a lot of chances for them to become territorial.

One thing that keeps them mentally active and prevents behavioral problems is to engage them by giving them interactive toys. A stimulating environment also plays a role in this regard. Their health should be a top priority and for that, it should consist of fresh fruits, vegetables, high-quality pellets, and occasional nuts.

7. Hybrid Macaws

A picture featuring three different hybrid macaws

Breeding two different macaw species results in the production of Hybrid Macaws. They have unique color combinations and inherit a mixture of both the parents’ personality traits. Some known hybrids are enlisted here:

  • Catalina Macaw (Scarlet + Blue-and-Gold) – The feature that makes it a known bird is its colors. The Catalina macaw has a bright orange color with blue hues. With that, it has an outgoing and playful personality.
  • Harlequin Macaw (Green-Winged + Blue-and-Gold) – Usually large and inherits the gentle nature of the Green-Winged Macaw with the characteristic of sociability from the Blue-and-Gold.
  • Camelot Macaw (Scarlet + Catalina) – It is a vibrant bird with a high-energy hybrid. The Camelot needs more attention and stimulation.

Hybrid macaws are usually smart and social just like their parent species. But their behavior can be unpredictable. Some may be very affectionate, while others can be more stubborn or independent, depending on their genes.

Since they inherit strong traits from both parents, they are intelligent and interactive but may also show unexpected behaviors. Because of this, anyone thinking about getting a hybrid macaw should learn about the specific parent species before choosing one as a pet.

Just as the purebred macaws, Hybrid macaws need the same care. Here, the care simply means to provide them with a spacious living space, a healthy diet, and daily interaction. The thing to give attention to is never keep them alone for too long and if it happens. Then, it may result in feelings of loneliness or anxiousness. Because these birds are the social species of birds who may get affected by this kind of behavior.

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Giving importance to their happiness and health concerns must be the foremost priority of the owners and for that, a balanced approach is required. This approach can be utilized by providing them with things like foraging toys, training activities, and regular social time. All of this is beneficial for their mental stimulation.

Fun Facts About Macaws

Some Fun facts you may get to know about Macaws are:

  • The beaks of Macaws are so powerful that they can crack hard coverings of nuts and seeds. They can easily open them.
  • The feature that helps them in gripping objects is their zygodactyle feet(two toes facing forward direction and two faces in a backward direction).
  • They have a playful nature and mimic human vocalizations which makes them distinct among other categories of birds.
  • They are very good at forming bonds and connections. So, that is why, they experience separation anxiety with their caretakers.
  • The lifespan of some of them can be up to 80 years.
  • They can fly high reaching a speed up to 56 kph (35 mph).


Adoption of a macaw pet is a rewarding responsibility that demands a lot from you. Because these beautiful companions need extensive care, training, and social interaction to live healthily. So, if you have any plans of owning one for you, then be careful in researching it thoroughly and prepare yourself for a lifetime commitment.

With the right kind of treatment, a pet macaw can become your lifelong companion being loyal to you.

Zaib un Nisa Khalid

Zaib un Nisa, a Chief Editor, Writer and Clinical Psychology post-grad, specializes in school and adult mental health. Her consultations and coaching aid countless individuals to thrive in life. She blends her passion for nature, travel, lifestyle, and fitness into mental strength, psychology, and healthy living.

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