How to Start a Successful Travel Instagram

Instagram is the newest and greatest way to promote a business, even if that business is you. Travel blogging is becoming especially popular, and people love seeing others go to exciting places around the globe. No the question is, ‘how to start a travel Instagram?’. Moreover, Instagram has over 1 billion users in 2021 and more than 500 million daily users. This makes it one of the biggest social media, and online platforms in general, for marketing. 

With all these users, the competition is high and there are some tips and tricks on how to start and run a successful travel Instagram. 

travel captions for instagram

Create your username

Before you begin to blog, you must find the right username. This is important because it is what you will be known as by other Instagram profiles. It is a good idea to have a name that indicates that you are a travel blog in some way, without being too generic and like others. If you need help in the naming process, you can use Domainify’s online generating tool, which presents you with good and unique names that fit the theme of your profile. 

Make your bio interesting 

Other than your username, the bio is one of the first things a new follower will see. This is a great place to tell something about yourself, what they can expect to see on the profile and even link to your other social media. Some travel bloggers share a lot of personal information, which can be a great way to connect with your followers. However, it is important to be cautious, and follow social media safety tips, even if you are a business. 

Practice your photo skills

People are generally a lot more interested in seeing nice pictures, rather than text. This grabs our attention easier, and makes us want to look at the page for longer. Therefore, it is important to practice your photo skills and be able to capture the beautiful moments on film. You can invest in a camera, but a new smartphone with a good built-in camera is often enough. Try to establish a color theme on your profile, and edit all the pictures in the same style for a cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing look.  

Remember to tag

A great way to attract new followers is by tagging the places you visit and also use relevant hashtags. By tagging your location, you can reach out to users in the same area, or even get followers that are interesting in that specific place. If you have the opportunity to travel to many different and varied locations, you can broaden your audience and travel portfolio. Location tags are a great marketing tool for bloggers and other businesses.  


The last one is quite obvious, but traveling is a big part of having a travel Instagram. This will give you more to write about and take pictures of. Furthermore, it provides you with some unique experiences, and your followers will view you as a more reliable travel blogger. On your trip, the destinations and pictures taken are all up to you, and you can tailor the content to fit the aesthetic on the Instagram profile. 

Tanya Qaderi

Tanya is the Marketing Manager of World’s Ultimate Network. Tanya has been a ghost writer for four years, and Young Entrepreneur Co-Founder of Tanya is a professional Social Media Expert and Travel writer, podcaster, Editor & Blogger on the WU for emerging destinations, great food, and cultural experiences.

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