Wake-up Call for Pakistan Nationals!

This article might be hard to swallow by our Politicians. These words express my deep concern on the state of affairs in my dear Homeland – Pakistan. The livelihood of citizens is in danger. I request the readers to respond to express their views with positive advice for those government officials and politicians who are still Live to the Needs of Pakistan and its people. They may explain what the public needs to know about Government policies and in return benefit from workable advice and solutions offered by them for Good Governance.

An Overview

Pakistan’s economy is draining fast while the whole system seems near collapse. This situation can revive in some time but only when revamp efforts are initiated and seen in reality, instead of meaningless chit chat and speeches. The cost graph of utilities and commodities of daily use will soon touch the K-2 Peak, tumbling down the users. The jobless idlers are seen in huge numbers and public unrest and demonstrations are a daily affair. The crime rate has increased considerably. The white-collared middle classes are the most hard pressed.

The Basic Dilemma

The presence of the Government is seen nowhere near the needy people, although the representatives boost of doing everything in media talks and speeches. Politicians in power are not reducing their luxuries practically, even in these hard times. They have forgotten that next elections are just one year away and the voter will count progress and seek answers. Maybe those in power do not wish to remain in power for the next term and prefer to consolidate their “earnings” out of Pakistan.

Nature has bestowed unlimited resources on Pakistan. Our politicians have wasted 50 years debating on Do’s and Don’ts, lack of aptitude and mutual trust. Now the opportunists are selling the assets and resources for peanuts, through unclear “deals”, to foreigners. Can anyone imagine a fate worse than this and circumstances more suicidal than today? The few nationalists left are being shuffled here and there to avoid their hindrance or are punished and degraded for their positive thinking.

The Great Lost Spirits – Needs to be Alive Again!

Looking back at the early days after Independence in 1947, Pakistan’s economy was zero. The public morale was high even after suffering unlimited transit hardships, killings and depriving of possessions. The Indian Govt. held back most of the divided assets too. The brave people put their heads down and started producing and growing, using limited resources that they had. The nominal industrial units left behind were made operational. The economy wheel worked 24 hours to coupe the demand.

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The Government machinery was also active round the clock with dedication, dividing the available resources for local industry and farm produce. Import substitution and exports were encouraged. Special bonus licenses were issued for raw materials for export products. Incentives and easy loans motivated all sectors.

The Great Quaid-e-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah

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Became the first Governor General of Pakistan. His Moto “Unity, Faith and Discipline” kindled the progress lamp. He was well-off and drew only Rs. 1/- Salary, while paying all his traveling and other expenses himself. The energizing speeches of this ideal leader raised public emotions to achieve more in less time. Soon the unemployment reduced considerably and the economy became sustainable. This progress foiled Indian plans to see Pakistan fail and reunite, begging.

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammed Ali Jinnah

Photo by Wikipedia

died on 11th September 1948 and Liaquat Ali Khan took over. He steadfastly continued his policies. The World opinion on Pakistan’s stability soon changed and handsome foreign loans and aid packages were offered that speeded up production and enhanced confidence.

Photo by Wikipedia

Pakistan’s economy took strides and nearly achieved self-sufficiency during General M. Ayub Khan’s tenure (1957-68) that is still remembered as a benchmark golden period of 10 year’s progress.

Photo by Wikipedia

In 1965 India attacked to weaken and disturb Pakistan’s progress but failed to shake public confidence. Many Heroes emerged. It is remembered that old F-86 Sabre fighters won the war. The heroic deed of Pilot, M. M. Alam is still fresh. He shot down five Indian Gnat fighters in one dog-fight encounter over Lahore air space, with the public shouting anti-India slogans from rooftops, unafraid of stray bullets.

Photo by Wikipedia

Our Singing Legends;

Sir Mehdi Hassan and Madam Noor Jahan, along with others, sang National themes that raised the heartbeat and public valor. The emotions were so profound and convincing, that the Indians started their retreat. Our Air Force Chiefs Air Marshal Asghar Khan and Air Marshal Noor Khan did not sit back and themselves flew F104 Fighters undertaking dangerous missions into India and destroyed their hidden radar targets that the other pilots missed. Some deeds remain unmatched.

Photo by wikipedia

The pure sincere and selfless dedication of super scientist, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan, and his team, could lead him to achieve the impossible target of developing the Atomic Power – A deterrent holding India within its borders.
Notes for the publisher: good pictures of Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan and Atomic bomb here

Bold Acts –

General Zia-ul-Haq stabilized Pakistan’s economy and Government’s overall performance. He proved a far better Politician than most. His tactical policies forced Russia to leave Afghanistan. His “Cricket diplomacy” became well-known throughout the World.

Photo by Wikipedia

The above historical facts confirm that the attitude and genuine progressive approach of the Top Brass matter in strengthening or wasting a country’s economy. Pakistani people have seen the positive SELFLESS dedication and are now experiencing the negative SELFISH angles of the top management and party politics in its extreme form.
What WE Still OWN!!!

The present scenario highlights that Billions of Dollars worth of installed industrial capacity is being wasted due to high input costs and utilities which is causing huge joblessness. We are not grateful to nature for giving us almost four crop seasons in a year as we are availing less than 25% of this benefit only to accommodate corrupt commission mafia that thrives on imports. Our massive export capacity is reducing due to high input costs. Tourism ignored. Pakistan has uncountable tourist resorts. The glamorous northern mountain areas could attract thousands of sight-seeing enthusiasts. The beautiful valleys that lie between 5 out of 14 highest peaks above 8000 meters in the Karakoram, Himalayan and Hindukush ranges, and are part of Pakistan.

Photo by wikipedia

More in History:

Pakistan has a strong history of promoting world peace under the United Nations Flag. Our forces deployed often for peace missions worldwide. The peaceful Pakistani nature has maligned to suit the need of the day. The opportunist powers have confused us with terrorism. The true fact is that after the Russia – Afghan war, the local Afghan tribes suddenly became jobless and started causing problems for the Afghan Government. These ignored elements were redirected, termed terrorists, reemployed and financed to disturb the peace of the adjoining countries. Pakistan being the strongest among the Muslims Countries. And it has made the worst hit and targeted frontline state facing both, the extreme terrorist activity and the blame too.

The terrorists often stated to be “Al-Qaida” men. This is a very wide unclear term or name and no one tells where it exists in reality? But all the mischief created by other known stubborn. And expansionist nations easily linked to it to hide their own identity and ulterior motives for pressurizing weaker countries and taking political and economic advantages. Above all, to continue the blame game as it suits them.

Beautiful Pakistan, see it through its beauty

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Author’s further inputs:

The true intentions are ‘doing isn’t enough, doing right is what matters most’

It is our deep understanding and observation. And this chit chat done so far is enough. Now it’s time to move on to do something really positive to bring some CHANGE! The existing politicians do know what to do to make things right, only if they intend to.

The Emerging True Leader, after so many years! Some more may Follow Soon.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf:

Since our existing leaders are not following the right cause, so let’s see who should possibly be the next Prime Minister. Our votes are with Imran Khan, Leading Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf.

Why? He is a topper and career marked with excellence. Winning World Cup in 1992 wasn’t by luck only. His high aims and ambition generated great spirits in him. Moreover, that encouraged and extremely motivated the team. Later on, he made another big contribution to society by setting up Shaukat Khanam Hospital and Memorial Trust, where thousands of Cancer patients are benefiting for treatment for free of cost. The public listens to him. When he was combing streets throughout Pakistan for hospital contributions, the people could not refuse him. The men emptied their purses and the ladies, without cash, gave the jewelry they were wearing. One’s honesty of purpose cannot acclaim in a better way.

We still have this National hero with us, without any criminal and corruption records and he seems to have taken this initiative only to fill the honesty gap in a true sense, and to save this drowning ship. He is not Greedy, Short-cut lover, Low term planner and is bold enough to take this country to new heights which can run on its own and to brings peace and happiness to the people.

In our next article of the same genre, we are listing the heroes from all fields as ‘The Best of the Bests of Pakistan!’
The readers invited to comment and join the discussion on this Wake-up Call.


Writer | Passionate Traveler | Chief editor of ‘Worlds Ultimate also CEO at by profession and lover of world cultures, languages, souls, food, oceans, wild spaces and urban places by nature. Share beautiful and practical stories from around the world. Visited luxurious hotels and destinations around the world including Marrakech, Mauritius, Singapore, Malaysia, USA, Greece, China and aims to inspire fellow Worlds Ultimate to pursue their dream career in travel.


  1. I agree with Imran Khan being the leader. I think his movement needs to have a strategic plan. He has a strategic thinking, but he needs to make it more effective and expand his movement to have more people who are patriotic, talented and capable to lead. Pakistan has great visionaries, but the system’s corruption and ill willed people are barriers to the progress of Pakistan. The top leadership has to be changed into patriotic and capable/qualified. They need to be confident, and display nationalism as Imran Khan does. Pakistan’s interests have to precede any other interests when dealing with foreign policies. Pakistan needs to be as much as possible independent from foreign aid. It is important to be independent, because then Pakistan can take decisions based on its self interests and not based on threats to lose further funding.

  2. @Indian
    It’s not considered a viable source of information, and it’s often inaccurate.

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