What to do After an Accident | 6 Steps
An accident or injury may have been unexpected and painful. While a little cut or bruise might not require medical attention, you may need to consult a doctor or nurse if you experience intense pain or unusual symptoms.
For example, if you hit your head, you must seek medical attention if you experience dizziness or fatigue to avoid a concussion. If you want to protect your health in the future, read the six best steps what to do after an accident.
Choose Between Urgent and Emergency Care
There is a big difference between urgent and emergency care. If you believe you are only suffering from a minor injury or illness, you should visit an urgent care clinic for fast and affordable healthcare.
However, if you believe your condition is potentially life-threatening, do not hesitate to go to the emergency room immediately. If you’re unsure about the difference between the two options, find out more about urgent care vs emergency situations.

Report an Injury to an Employer
If your injury occurred in the workplace, report the accident to your employer as soon as possible. Most employees have a maximum of 10 days to report a workplace injury, so don’t leave it too late. By doing so, you will increase your chances of securing workers’ compensation, which will cover your salary while you focus on recovery.
If you don’t, you might struggle to pay for your household essentials, and you might also need to pay for expensive medical bills. Injuries can come in various forms, such as a motor vehicle collision, food poisoning, or a fall, so don’t hesitate to report an accident caused by your company as soon as possible.
Identify the Source of the Injury
Unless you experienced an impact injury, such as falling or a collision, there might be an underlying issue that led to the problem. For example, if you have thrown your back out when picking up an item or tying your shoelace, it is likely there was a stressor that caused your back to spasm.
For example, your back pain could have been caused by inactivity, too much exercise, or an inflammatory meal. As a result, you might need to change your diet, stretch after exercise, or improve your posture. Understanding the root cause of the problem could help you to avoid the health issue in the future.

Follow the Doctor’s Orders
Following an injury, you might need to consult a physical therapist, massage therapist, or personal trainer to help you make a swift recovery. However, you will not be able to return full health if you fail to follow their orders.
It’s unfeasible to fix an injury simply by seeing a health care professional one or two times per week. You may also need to focus on recovery outside of an appointment, such as performing various exercises daily in the comfort of your own home or taking the prescribed medications.
Have a Plan of Action
To swiftly recover from an injury, focus on strengthening different areas of the body to fully recuperate. For example, if you injured your muscle tissue, there will more than likely be some scarring. To repair the scar tissue, you’ll need to rest it with the help of massaging or taping. You may, however, need to improve your joint stability to improve your range of motion. For example, squatting and lunging can strengthen your knee to improve your balance.
However, what you must not do is skip the above steps and attempt to increase your injured muscle’s strength. Unless you want to re-injure yourself or cause a new injury, you must focus on improving your tissue quality and joint stability first and then focus on strength.
Talk to Your Employer About Your Return to Work
If you experienced a serious injury, you might be a little apprehensive about returning to your job. It doesn’t matter if your accident occurred inside or outside the workplace, you must talk to your employer about how they can support your return to work. For example, they might need to undertake an ergonomic evaluation, so they can make you feel comfortable at work and prevent the likelihood of a reinjury.
There will more than likely be different alterations they could make to your working day, as they could invest in an ergonomic chair or new computer equipment for your desk, or they could permit you to take frequent breaks. This could make it much easier to adjust to working life after a serious injury.